We have carefully selected which major brands to represent and distribute. Each offers a particular line or even an item of tooling we feel is the best in its class.
Being a major distributor representing a wide class of tooling manufacturers allows us to carefully select and recommend the correct tool for your application. We have an extensive inventory and can fill your orders promptly. When out of stock on a particular item we can generally have it within two to three days. We have taken time to develop trusting and personal relationships with these companies. This gives us the opportunity to offer satisfaction guarantees and enables us to offer maximum discounts to our customers. Feel free to search these web site links for information and contact us if you need further assistance or have any questions regarding pricing and delivery.
Ophoven Saw Service | 12000 Riverwood Drive | Burnsville, MN | Tel: 952-894-0262 | Fax: 952-890-0058